Lois Mullinix McKnight

Profile Updated: April 12, 2016
Residing In: Belle Vernon, PA USA
Spouse/Partner: Bob McKnight
Occupation: Registered Nurse
Children: Carrie,born July 20,1975 Nikki,born May 2,1979
Yes! Attending Reunion

Graduated from Presbyterian University Hospital with RN in 1971. Lived in North Huntingdon with first husband Jim Gusky and my 2 daughters Carrie and Nikki until 1995. Both daughters went to Norwin and Carrie marched with Norwin Band /clarinet section leader and band treasurer. Got divorced and moved to Belle Vernon in 1995 working as registered nurse. Married Bob McKnight in 2004. Retired from nursing in 2012 due to medical reasons but resumed casual part time status/planning to fully retire with husband in 2017.Plan to travel after full retirement.

School Story:

Went to county band on bass clarinet and had my instrument case full of shoes/leaving the bass clarinet in the band room. Band director had to go back to the high school to get my instrument, Just could not decide what pair to wear that night!!!! Sooo many great band memories. Janet Steiner was 1st seat /1st clarinet and I was 2nd seat in concert band. Marching band was a riot with Mr Radzevik.